Kraft Dessert’s Celebrate the Funexpected on


UX / Lead Design / Production


KraftHeinz, created at Amazon


Kraft’s “Celebrate the Funexpected” campaign utilized Amazon’s unique shopping experience to create a shoppable landing page and an Amazon Fresh in-store activation that engaged customers in a Recipe Quiz to share Kraft dessert recipes containing their products and create a surprise and delight moment.

I designed the Amazon custom landing page quiz experience using Figma. The design was built to be responsive, with elements scaling based on the window size. Customers answer three questions and their results are revealed as confetti animates over the recipe screen. Customers can shop for Amazon Fresh items directly from the recipe page based on their geolocation, with a backup design for non-Fresh customers. The recipe screen includes a downloadable PDF and access to all other recipes. I collaborated with the design technologist to provide animation and interaction direction.

The in-store activation, produced by the Amazon Fresh team, allowed customers to tap a button and receive an actual dessert.